At the Bethlen Communities in Ligonier, PA I am an Intern with the Körösi Csoma Sándor Internship Programme and I teach Hungarian for a beginner group. The purpose of this page is to help to practice all the materials what we learn week by week on the classes. This page try to help to learn the correct pronunciations of the Hungarian sounds - words, expressinos and short sentences. I hope this page can help to everyone who would like to learn Hungarian by following blog entryses.
2016. december 13., kedd
Digits: 1-9
Compounds: irregular 10-30
tíz (10)
tiz + en + number 1-9
husz + on + number 1-9
harminc + number 1-9
tizenegy (11)
huszonegy (21)
harmincegy (31)
tizenkettő (12)
huszonkettő (22)
harminckettő (32)
tizenhárom (13)
huszonhárom (23)
harminchárom (33)
tizennégy (14)
huszonnégy (24)
harmincnégy (34)
tizenöt (15)
huszonöt (25)
harmincöt (35)
tizenhat (16)
huszonhat (26)
harminchat (36)
tizenhét (17)
huszonhét (27)
harminchét (37)
tizennyolc (18)
huszonnyolc (28)
harmincnyolc (38)
tizenkilenc (19)
huszonkilenc (29)
harminckilenc (39)
Please note: In compounds the long vowels in tíz and húsz are shortened:
tíz => tizen...
húsz => huszon...
Compounds: regular 40-100
Rule: number + van / ven + 1-9
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