2017. március 7., kedd

Nominal Stems

A) Regular (monomorphic) Stems
            1. Ending in vowels: hajó (ship), kávé
            2. Ending in consonants: ház, pad (bench), hat
            3. Ending in H: düh (anger), sah (shah), cseh (czech), juh (sheep)

B) Alternative (polymorphic) stems 
NOTE! Alternation only occurs when one of the following grammatical suffixes is added to the root:
-the plural marker (-k)
-the object (accusative) marker (-t)
-the instrumental marker (-val/ -vel), only applies for rule 3
-the possessive plural marker (-ai/-ei)
-derivational suffices (-s/ -l) 
1. Vowel loss (the last vowel in the word is deleted when the suffix is added): köröm (nail), szerelem (love), selyem (silk)
                                    Ex.       köröm-körmök, szerelem-szerelmet
b) Vowel loss with consonant switch (the two consonants surroundig the final vowel, switch places, while the vowel is dropped): kehely (cup), pehely (flake), teher (burden)
                                    Ex.       teher- terhet, pehely- pelyhek
                        c) End-vowel loss (the wirdfinal vowel is dropped): borjú (veal), varjú (crow)
                                    Ex.       borjú-borjak,  varjú-varjak
2.  Inner-vowel shortening (the inner vowel is shortened, almost always occurs with monosyllabic words): kéz (hand), híd (bridge), kút (fountain), tűz (fire), madár (bird)
                                    Ex.       kéz- kezek, híd-hidat
3. Word-final vowel lengthening (the final a becomes á and e becomes é): fa (tree), béke (peace), körte (pear)
                                    Ex.       fa- fát, körte-körtét  
                        4. V- alternation (the word has a varriant ending in v):
a) With vowel shortening before v-variants: ló (horse), kő (rock), fű (grass)  
                                    Ex.       ló- lovak,  fű- füvet
            b) With vowel change before v-variants ó becomes a: hó (snow), tó (lake), szó (word)
                                    Ex.       hó- havat,  tó- tavak
c) With vowel loss before v-variants: falu (village), daru (crane), tetű (flee)

                                    Ex.       falu- falvat, daru- darvak

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